道教 Daoism/Taoism
道士 Daoist/Taoist
法师 Taoist Master
高功法师 Grand Master
道袍 Taoist Robe
法衣 Taoist Robe of the Descent
全真派 Quanzhen School/Complete Perfection School/Complete Truth School
正一派 Zhengyi School/Orthodox Unity School/Orthodox One School
符 Talisman
符箓 Talisman and Register
三清 Three Pure Ones/Three Pure Deities
元始天尊 Heavenly Worthy of the Primordial Beginning
灵宝天尊 Heavenly Worthy of the Numinous Treature
道德天尊 Heavenly Worthy of the Way and its Virtue
寻龙尺 Dowsing Rods
占卜棒 Divining Rods
三洞四辅 Three Caverns and Four Supplements
无极 Limitless
太极 Great Ultimate
两仪 Two Forms
四象 Four Phenomena
八卦 Eight Trigrams
经 Scripture
戒 Precept
法 Rite
箓 Register
关帝 Emperor Guan
初真戒 Initial Precepts for Perfection
黄大仙 Great Immortal Wong(Huang)
灶王爷 Stove God/Kitchen God
玉帝 Jade Emperor
财神 God of Wealth/Deity of Wealth
全真七子 Seven Masters of Quanzhen/Seven Perfected Beings